European Capital of Innovation Awards 2022 kicks off
The European Commission has launched the eighth edition of the European Innovation Capital (iCapital) awards, which recognise the role cities play in shaping local innovation ecosystems and promoting innovation. Applications can be submitted until 30 June. The...
València elaborates the first Early Demand Map to boost public procurement of Innovation in the next decade
54 challenges have been set to address more than 300 unmet public needs. Shared work with all city stakeholders to move the city forward in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Urban Agenda and the Innovation Missions has opened up new spaces for...The City Council will award 100,000 euros to the best innovation project to achieve the València Ciudad Neutra mission
An international call has been launched for projects oriented to the València Neutral City mission and to which the 100,000 euros that València won last year for being among the 6 finalist cities in the European Capital of Innovation will be allocated. The rules of...
Do you want to orientate the strategy of your town or city towards innovation missions?
Accompaniment programme to guide the innovation strategy of the municipalities of the Valencian Community towards innovation missions. To participate in person at the event, please register. If you want to follow it online, answer the question at the end of the form...