A vision to promote the transformation
Missions València 2030 contains a vision to promote transformation in the València City Council and guide us towards city missions that improve the quality of life of our citizens. This vision takes the form of a strategic framework and contains 5 strategies and 12 commitments to promote 80 innovation actions in the period 2020-2023.
Strategy 1. Governing innovation in València | ||
1. Integrating a strategic and cross-cutting view on mission-oriented innovation | Urban Strategy / Urban Agenda Documents. Missions València 2030 Strategic Framework. Missions Valéncia 2030. Link to the Assemblies of the 5 helixes (Available soon, work in progress). Link to Aval·lua Lab Mission Assessment reports. (Available soon). |
2. Driving public procurement of innovation | Public Procurement of Missions-oriented innovation project as part of the technical assistance for 2021. For instance: | |
3. Observing trends and using Big Data and AI from an ethical and humanistic standpoint in a 4.0 environment | Social Trends Observatory. IANética. OdF . Missions València 2030 InfoBarometro (Available soon). |
Strategy 2. Creation of an innovative view and culture | ||
4. Boosting the upskilling of our people inC | Creativity and innovation trainings (Summary of the yearly reports). Kit of innovative methodologies and tools. (Available soon). |
5. Promoting creativity, research and talent-attraction | Schedule Las Naves. València World Design Capital 2022. Editorial policy for scientific productions and publications in the field of innovation that are associated to València (Available soon). |
6. Acknowledging and placing value on social and urban innovation | València Innovation Awards per year. Any other line of recognition promoted by Las Naves. |
Strategy 3. Fostering innovation in València | ||
7. Promoting the development of social and urban innovation projects | València Innovation Subsidies. Project Constellation Mission València 2030. Las Naves European Projects. SPI project. (Available soon). |
8. Creating spaces for experimentation in València: labs and sandboxes | Valencia Living Lab website to offer access to SandBoxes. (Available soon). Las Naves Col·lab. Las Naves Avalua·lab. Las Naves citizen’s labs. (Available soon). |
9. Promoting Las Naves as an urban innovation centre in the City of València | Las Naves, Centro de Innovación Social y Urbana. | |
Strategy 4. Strengthening partnerships and innovative networks in València | ||
10. Driving partnerships with the four helixes in València | Ambassador organisations Missions València 2030. Cátedra Transición Energética Urbana UPV-LAS NAVES.Cátedra L´Horta de València, Territorio Metropolinato. Universitat de València.Cátedra en Economía Colaborativa y Transformación Digital. Universitat de València. CONNECTA networks as collaboration space. (Available soon). |
11. Activating local, national and international partnerships and networks with València’s innovation | INNPULSO network. Xarxa Valenciana de ciutat per la innovació. iKEN. MOIN. Red Echalliance. València’s candidatures to several international awards. (Available soon), |
Strategy 5. Conveying the value of innovation to the Valencian society | ||
12. Socially communicate the value of innovation | Missions València 2030. Missions València 2030 Communication Campaign. Ambassador organisations campaign. (Available soon). Mission 1 Campaign. (Available soon). Mission 2 Campaign. (Available soon). Mission 3 Campaign. (Available soon). Innovation and Creativity Day 2020. Innovation and Creativity Day 2021. (Available soon). Show Room Las Naves. Innovation Dialogues communication events to create a public innovation agenda. (Available soon). Missions València 2030 accountability and value assessments. (Available soon). |