
A vision to promote the transformation

Missions València 2030 contains a vision to promote transformation in the València City Council and guide us towards city missions that improve the quality of life of our citizens. This vision takes the form of a strategic framework and contains 5 strategies and 12 commitments to promote 80 innovation actions in the period 2020-2023.

Strategy 1. Governing innovation in València
1. Integrating a strategic and cross-cutting view on mission-oriented innovation Urban Strategy / Urban Agenda Documents.
Missions València 2030 Strategic Framework.
Missions Valéncia 2030.
Link to the Assemblies of the 5 helixes (Available soon, work in progress).
Link to Aval·lua Lab Mission Assessment reports. (Available soon).
2. Driving public procurement of innovation Public Procurement of Missions-oriented innovation project as part of the technical assistance for 2021. For instance:
3. Observing trends and using Big Data and AI from an ethical and humanistic standpoint in a 4.0 environment Social Trends Observatory.
OdF .
Missions València 2030 InfoBarometro (Available soon).
Strategy 2. Creation of an innovative view and culture
4. Boosting the upskilling of our people inC Creativity and innovation trainings (Summary of the yearly reports).
Kit of innovative methodologies and tools. (Available soon).
5. Promoting creativity, research and talent-attraction Schedule Las Naves.
València World Design Capital 2022.
Editorial policy for scientific productions and publications in the field of innovation that are associated to València (Available soon).
6. Acknowledging and placing value on social and urban innovation València Innovation Awards per year.
Any other line of recognition promoted by Las Naves.
Strategy 3. Fostering innovation in València
7. Promoting the development of social and urban innovation projects València Innovation Subsidies.
Project Constellation Mission València 2030.
Las Naves European Projects.
SPI project. (Available soon).
8. Creating spaces for experimentation in València: labs and sandboxes Valencia Living Lab website to offer access to SandBoxes. (Available soon).
Las Naves Col·lab.
Las Naves Avalua·lab.
Las Naves citizen’s labs. (Available soon).
9. Promoting Las Naves as an urban innovation centre in the City of València Las Naves, Centro de Innovación Social y Urbana.
Strategy 4. Strengthening partnerships and innovative networks in València
10. Driving partnerships with the four helixes in València Ambassador organisations Missions València 2030.
Cátedra Transición Energética Urbana UPV-LAS NAVES.Cátedra L´Horta de València, Territorio Metropolinato. Universitat de València.Cátedra en Economía Colaborativa y Transformación Digital. Universitat de València.
CONNECTA networks as collaboration space. (Available soon).
11. Activating local, national and international partnerships and networks with València’s innovation INNPULSO network.
Xarxa Valenciana de ciutat per la innovació.
Red Echalliance.
València’s candidatures to several international awards. (Available soon),
Strategy 5. Conveying the value of innovation to the Valencian society
12. Socially communicate the value of innovation Missions València 2030.
Missions València 2030 Communication Campaign.
Ambassador organisations campaign. (Available soon).
Mission 1 Campaign. (Available soon).
Mission 2 Campaign. (Available soon).
Mission 3 Campaign. (Available soon).
Innovation and Creativity Day 2020.
Innovation and Creativity Day 2021. (Available soon).
Show Room Las Naves.
Innovation Dialogues communication events to create a public innovation agenda. (Available soon).
Missions València 2030 accountability and value assessments. (Available soon).

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