↓ 50% reduction in waste ↓ 50% CO₂ emissions ↑ 50% renewable energy




Private sector

CoCircular 360º advisor

CoCircular was born with the mission of preventing waste from ending up in the landfill, with construction being our first sector of action. To do this, we add value to Developers, Builders, Architecture Studios, Engineering and Public Institutions, through our Circular Management service of the waste. Through our 360º advisor platform, we offer you a comprehensive digital service for each of your works, helping you to carry out a good execution on site, optimize costs, demonstrate the traceability of waste, avoid sanctions, comply with the European Union guidelines on Circular Economy and above all contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals: 8,11, 12 and 13 of the 2030 Agenda. The 360º advisor is an automated tool that makes visible and supports our service, and is built in an open way that allows integration with third-party systems. It allows you to analyze in detail what needs to be improved in waste management, measures the traceability of each waste and offers impact metrics to the entire value chain and the main departments of the company: Works, Quality and Environment, Marketing, Finance. All this in addition to a very intuitive and visual way, with graphs, reports and in real time. In addition, it has allowed us to capture non-existent data for the sector until now through any other platform: Analyzing 1,000 types of existing waste, more than 800 waste management agents, and more than 30 types of containers; having captured more than 7,000 different flows; and offering more than 2,400 rates. With all this “big data” captured so far, we managed to generate Business Intelligence for correct decision-making, digitizing processes that were not before. We certify all this effort through two of our own seals: the Valoriza Seal, which indicates the actual final valuation percentage achieved. And the Recicla Seal, with which we manage to measure the entire amount of waste that has been converted into recyclable raw material and that has returned to the work in the form of a product or construction solution. These certifications have obtained the confirmation of the SGS certifier to endorse them. Finally, we would like to highlight that in our impact measurements, the most important thing is that we carry more than 700,000 tons of recovered waste, which represents some 130 Olympic swimming pools. And, compared to the traditional system, we have more than 90% of carbon deficit saved and more than 45% of CO2 avoided to the environment with our actions.