Consume less, better and locally


Renewable Energy and Climate Change Service of Valencia City Council



Map of energy poverty in Valencia

(June 18, 2020) The study by the UPV Institute of Energy Engineering (IIE) also reveals that almost 33% of households in the city of Valencia state that they feel cold or hot, with negative consequences for their daily lives. In 2016 researchers from the IIE, the INGENIO Institute of the UPV and the energy services cooperative Aeioluz produced the first map of energy poverty (EP) in Valencia. The map was commissioned by the Renewable Energy and Climate Change Service of the Valencia City Council, interested in having a detailed diagnosis of the depth of the phenomenon in the city. The project wants to provide some technical tools that encourage the residents of Valencia to become prosumers, that is, to produce part of the electricity they consume through photovoltaic panels installed on their roofs and terraces. For this, a first step has been to calculate the photovoltaic generation potential for different configurations of standard houses. Based on this and other studies included in the same project, a first roadmap has been defined for the take-off of the prosumer model in Valencia. The roadmap is aimed at guiding various actors interested in promoting the prosumer model and, especially, the City Council, due to its double capacity to encourage and eliminate administrative obstacles.